Nori’s new home

Today Nori signed the papers for a contract on this beautiful, very Nori, home on Karragarra Island…

Click on any of the photos for a larger image.

Please don’t leave comments on this page for Nori as she doesn’t see them. Email directly to her email address. Don’t have it? Give her a call and ask for it.

From the road

Front of the home with Nori and Nadia doing their “Great Temptation hostess with the mostest” impressions

Side of the house showing the deck

The house from the water

Looking through the front door – bedrooms to right and left

One of the light and airy bedrooms

The bathroom

Main living area with cathedral ceilings

Slightly different angle of the main living area

Huge open kitchen with loads of bench space – good for Menolotto Monthlys!

Huge deck surrounded by trees and overlooking the mangroves and bay

The deck from the other end

The deck looking back at the house

… AND the view!

2 thoughts on “Nori’s new home

  1. LOVE IT!!!
    I am coming down to be your housemaid Noz
    congrats on job well done Rob
    hello to Nardia
    lub deb 🙂

  2. Hi Nori

    The house is a real Nori lifestyle home. I am very pleased you found something like that. Things are progressing well with the Preps and Year ones. A bit of a hard slog but ww’ll get there. How are you going. I gather it would be like paradise on that island.
    Hope you are well. Sue Thaw

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